
In addition to our Reproducible Research philosophy we also distribute and maintain a few generic toolboxes and associated websites.


  • GSPBox : a Graph Signal Processing Toolbox for filtering on graphs.
  • UNLocBox : a toolbox for optimization via operator splitting approaches. 

We also provide access to the SGWT, the Spectral Graph Wavelet Toolbox which is now replaced by the new GSPBox.

FREAK and Local Binary Descriptors

Our FREAK (Fast Retina Keypoint) descriptor is now officially part of OpenCV. You can however still find our original code on GitHub. There is also a Matlab implementation.

The latest version of the code to reconstruct an image from Local Binary Descriptors (including FREAK and BRIEF) can be cloned and forked from GitHub. You can examine the associated papers on infoscience.

Other toolboxes